Our mission is to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We center all we do on Christ. One way that we do this is by studying His Word, the Bible. We encourage everyone who walks through our doors to become a student of the Bible. These weekly Bible studies are a great way to dive into God’s Word and grow in your faith.
Seekers of His Heart
This group meets at 10:00-11:00 am (during the second service) in The Chapel and is led by a team headed up by Carolyn Opderbeck. They are studying the book of Ruth. In the book of Ruth we learn that “God set His love and affection of unlikely people, in unlikely contexts, doing routine things and works out His eternal purposes. This bible study is ongoing and meets every week. This study meets both in person and virtually via Google Meet. Please contact Carolyn at rcopdrbk@optonline.net with any questions and for the Google Meet information.
Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study
This group meets in the Lower Chapel from 9:30-11:00 am starting on January 6th. We are studying the book of Ephesians, going through the text verse by verse. We will be using the study method in the book Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin to help us dive into the Bible. For more information, please contact Janice Johannesen at jjohannesen@hawthornegospel.org.
Women of the Word by Jen Wilken, can be purchased from amazon by following this link, https://a.co/d/6TMKsjs
Moms in Prayer
This group meets in the Church Library from 1:00-2:30 pm starting on January 13th. The vision of Moms in Prayer is that every school in the world would be covered with prayer. Would you prayerfully consider joining with other women in our church (mom and women who are not moms but have a heart to pray for our young people) to pray for the kids in our schools. With everything that is going on in our schools right now, we may feel like we are powerless to do anything. That is the farthest from the truth, we have an all powerful God to call upon. He is in control, and He is calling us to come together in prayer. This group meets on Mondays at 1:00 pm. This group has taken a break for the summer but will start up again in the fall when school starts. For more information, please contact Karen Verhoog at northeast@momsinprayer.org
Women of the Word
This group meets 9:30-11:30 am in both the Lower Chapel and online via Google Meet starting on January 7th. Our Spring bible study is a Precept upon Precept study of the book of Genesis. This study will immerse you in the Biblical account of creation, you will be led to know your Creator in deeper ways, increasing your awe of Him. You will also gain insight into who you are in relationship to your Maker and will gain a more complete understanding of your own purpose and how to live. For more information and/or the Google Meet link, email Lisa Kudisch at Lkudisch@hawthornegospel.org
You can purchase the Precept Bible study of the book of Genesis Part 1 by following the link, http://shop.precept.org/collections/genesis/products/genesis-bible-studies-part-1-of-5?variant=41834631921766
Ladies in Touch
This group meets 7:00-8:00 pm in both the Chapel and online via Google Meet starting on January 21st. Our spring bible study is on the gospel of John 13-21. We will be using the book Be Transformed by Dr. Wiersbe. “How to pray, how to serve, how to overcome, how to love: Jesus taught the disciples these timeless lessons through hands-on experience and powerful parables that resonated in the hearts of multitudes. Most evident in John 13-21, however, is Christ’s teaching on the transforming power of joy — how to have it, hold onto it, and never let it go.” This study will be in-person and online. For more information and/or the Google Meet link, email Rosette Almoyan at rosettealmoyan@hotmail.com
Be Transformed by Warren Wiersbe, can be purchased from amazon by following this link, https://a.co/d/jjsDEfM
Community Young Adult Women’s Bible Study
This group meets at the Jensen Home at 7:00-9:00 pm. All young adult women are welcome to join this summer Bible study. This group is studying the book of Psalm, going through the text verse by verse. For more information, contact Andrea Jensen at andreajensen7720@gmail.com
Daughters of the King
This group meets in the Chapel from 9:30-11:30 am starting on January 22nd. For our spring study bible study we will be looking at First and Second Peter, going through the text verse by verse. Join us as we dive into this rich letter from Peter to encourage the believer of his day and see all it has for us to learn and glean for our own lives. For more information, email Cara at carag42@gmail.com.
Deep Roots
This group meets in the Fireside Room from 9:30-11:30 am starting back on January 9th. Our current bible study is In View of God’s Mercies – The Gift of the Gospel of Romans by Courtney Doctor. This study will walk through the book of Romans to discover that salvation doesn’t just change your eternal future; it changes your present reality. Because of God’s salvation, hope, peace, life, faith, trust, and endurance are yours. Learn that after God saves you, He invites you to join Him on His two-fold mission— to sanctify and transform you into the image of Jesus and to send you out into the world to share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. Our next study will start some time in February and will be announced ASAP. For more information about this study, email Peggy at peggygoitz@gmail.com. ***There is a childcare for children during this group.***
In View of God’s Mercies – The Gift of the Gospel of Romans by Courtney Doctor, can be purchased from amazon by following this link, https://a.co/d/0kUmuWF
Since this Bible study meets during the school day in a building that is also used for our academy, you will be asked to sign in upon entering the building. If you are not in our check in system, that can easily be done upon your arrival. Please reach out to Janice Johannesen at jjohannesen@hawthornegospel.org with any questions regarding check in.
Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study
This group meets in the Lower Chapel from 7:00-8:30 pm starting on January 9th. Our spring bible study is a study of 1st Timothy and Titus, followed by a study of 2nd Timothy. We will be starting with the study entitled 1 Timothy & Titus: Fighting the Good Fight by John Stott. We live in a culture where the beliefs and preferences of the individual are given final authority. Paul’s firm commitment to the church as “the pillar and foundation of the truth” stands against the current. His letters to Timothy and Titus call us to reestablish the core beliefs of Christianity and affirm our convictions about the gospel. This study challenges readers to carry on in faithfully guarding and passing on the truth of the gospel. For more information, email Anita at ajoeckel@msn.com
1 Timothy & Titus: Fighting the Good Fight by John Stott can be purchased from Amazon by following this link, https://a.co/d/0Gaq9WA
Moms & Mentors
All moms of preschool and school-age kids are welcome to join this Bible study group. There will be a time of fellowship, fun and diving into God’s Word together. Each mom will be in a group with mentors who are there to pour into each mom. Childcare is available but you MUST register in advance. This group meets once a month on the Hawthorne Campus from 9 to 11 am in the Fireside Room. For more information, email Anna Maria at amcreighton@optonline.net.
The 2024-2025 dates are:
September 21st
October 19th
November 23rd,
January 18th
February 22nd
March 15th,
April 26th
May 17th
Follow this following link to register, https://hawthornegospel.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/category/60786