Saturday, January 25 from 2 to 4 PM
The Ladies’ Hospitali-Tea was first held 21 years ago with the goal of building community within our church community. Hawthorne Gospel is a large church and so our community building needs to be intentional. This community building was done by mixing up the seating at each table so the women attending would get to know a new person. We have moved away from this in the most recent years and we want to get back to it. So for this event, I will be sticking to the idea of only picking one person to sit with and not having a full table of friends sit together. We can all take time to get together with our friend on our own time, but this event isn’t for that purpose. The purpose is to get to know some new people. Please understand this and be open to making a new friend.
This being the 100th anniversary of our church we will be having a traditional tea party. We are encouraging the women to dress up with hats and all. This is not required but encouraged. Our theme is Magnify the Lord and our speakers are Anna Maria Creighton, Kelly Cousin, and Lynnea Bruins.
The Mission Focus for the Tea is The Hoving Home. Learn more about the Hoving Home at We will be collecting household items for the women of the Hoving Home and the list of items needed is below.
Reflection & Refreshment is a time for women to come together and be encouraged in God’s Word. This group meets five times a year on a Saturday morning from 8:45am – 10:00am. The meeting location is on the Hawthorne Campus in the Fireside Room.
Our speakers will be:
Sept 7th – Lynn Bittrolff
Nov 2nd – Emma Patton
Jan 11th – Jan Rowland
Mar 1st – Peggy Goitz
May 3rd – Marcia Rainey