We call our middle school youth group “Elevation” as our goal is the same of that in John 3:30, that He becomes greater in our lives and in the world. We are meeting weekly as we seek to have an awesome time together and grow in our relationship with Christ. Anyone is welcome, so we hope to see you out soon!
BELOW ARE OUR CURRENT SCHEDULED TIMES FOR EVENTS. They meet weekly but please be sure you are signed up for Remind text alerts for updates if anything changes.
YOUTH GROUP Friday 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. | Room: theLoft (Y-401)
This is an awesome, action-packed night where we play games, hang out, and of course worship the Lord and learn more about Him. We encourage all the students to bring their Bibles and turn off their phones!
BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. | Room: Y-301
The purpose of Bible study is to grow in relationships with each other and the Lord in a smaller, more intimate setting.
SMW (Sunday Morning Worship) Sunday 10-11am | theLoft (Y-401)
At SMW we begin in theLoft with 6-12th graders and then split up into small groups by grade and gender. Leaders share a Bible lesson and discussion with the small groups.
Any Questions/Comments/Concerns?
Contact Mark Horn at mhorn@hawthornegospel.org or 973-427-6960 x175