Men (Draft)

Men's Ministry

The vision of the Men’s Ministry is to connect men on all levels of faith and life. Its mission statement is to build spiritual leadership for self, family, community, and God.
The leaders of the Legacy Builders meet monthly to pray for the men of HGC and to coordinate events, such as the Saturday morning breakfasts, game nights, outreach work, projects, and the men’s retreat.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 

1 Corinthians 16:13

Bible Studies & Service

If you desire to study the Bible with other men, join the Men’s Saturday AM Bible Study on the first, third and fifth Saturday of each month at 7:30am on the HGC Campus in the Chapel.

We meet for fellowship, coffee and a light breakfast and then break up into small groups facilitated by men of our church as we dig deep into the Scriptures.

Fall Bible Studies
Our Fall studies will begin on September 17, 2022. There are three studies available:

The Gospel of John study is led by Christian Kim and Nick Choman and will meet in the Chapel.

The 1 Peter study is led by Carlos Pineda and Tyler Boucher and will meet in the Chapel’s Lower Level Conference Room.

The Revelations study is led by Bob Falonieri, Tom Mullikin, and Sanjiv Kattekola and will meet in the Bible House Lounge.

Quarterly Breakfasts: Enjoy a hot breakfast, fellowship and hear from God’s Word through powerful speakers on today’s men topics.

For more information contact Bob Falconieri.

Conferences: We also host half-day morning conferences & seminars which are a wonderful way to go deep into God’s encouraging message for all men. Our next conference, Who I am in Christ… Being the Man God Wants Me to Be, will be held on March 18, from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Pavilion with guest speaker, Bill Welte, President of America’s Keswick. For more information contact Frank Tirrito. Register here:

Fellowship Opportunities

Minute Men We are all called to serve! The Minute Men ministry helps single moms and widows in our
HGC community with carpentry, plumbing, yardwork and other tasks.

Recent projects include a workday in Hackensack, assistance moving furniture to a new apartment, and raking leaves in Hawthorne. For more information contact Wally Eng.

Fellowship Events Fellowship is an important aspect of our spiritual growth, and we have many great
opportunities to fellowship scheduled for 2022! For more information contact Bob Falconieri.

Movie Night will be held in the Fall. We’ll watch the film Show Me the Father. Families are invited. More details will be provided closer to the date.

Churchwide Prayer Meetings are held Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM and Thursday mornings at 7:00 AM in the Chapel.

Coed Pickleball meets on third Friday of each month at 7pm in the Lower Gym through October through May.  
Additional dates may be added from June to September and are coordinated through the Singles Ministry.

Single Men’s Fellowship meets regularly for virtual game nights, bike rides, hikes, and more. For more information contact Ron Petherbridge.

Field Day is held annually in June at HGC. Families are invited for food, fun, softball and other games.