Be sure to look through all the various resources we have available on this page.
Reading is still pretty cool…that’s why we put books at the top of the resources. Most of these books can be purchased online, or if you want to borrow them come ask us.
Books on faith and how it should be lived out in your life:
Books that are more focused on apologetics and owning your faith:
Bible Study tools
Bible Reading Guide
General Youth Websites
Gender Identity/Homosexuality
In a world where the music sphere is filled with so many garbage lyrics and men and women who serve as anything but positive role models, these are some good, safe bands (and when we say good we mean that!) that we recommend in different genres. Now, if your parent still doesn’t want to let you listen to any of them, we side with them! 🙂
We get the privilege to share Christ’s love with your child on a weekly basis, but honestly… unless you are sharing the same love at home, it is not enough! We truly desire for you to seek God more deeply and committedly in your life, marriage, and family, so these are some resource that might help you to do this. As a parent, you will make the biggest impact on your child (whether you believe that or not) and we want to both pray for, and partner with you… You are NOT alone! So know you can reach out to us if you need any help or have any questions. But remember, if you want your child to make a commitment to Christ, really seek to model that lifestyle in your life as well.
(We may not agree with every single bit of doctrine or info on these sites, but we don’t need to! We want you to be encouraged, equipped, and challenged in your faith and these resources can all help to do that.)
WEBSITES – One of my favorites, it has information on any topic you need help in parenting through! Also gives you videos you can watch with your child on tough topics.
The Table Podcast – This is one of my top recommended resources for parents. A product of Dallas Theological Seminary, there are hundreds of video interviews and testimonies on dozens of different topics. If you are looking for a biblical perspective on a current issue, check this out!
Heartlight Ministries – Heartlight is a resource for all parents. They have great articles and Mark Gregson is a phenomenal resource. They also have rehab programs for troubled teens.
Paul David Trip – Tripp’s website has a lot of great resources and messages on parenting.
Focus on the Family – This is a good resource to read articles about parenting, teens, and family life in general.
Homeword – A family resource from Azuza Pacific University, some great resources and articles.
Fuller Youth Institute – This site contains some great free resources on how to make your child’s faith really “stick” and advice on navigating technology. Subscribe to the “family update” on
Bible Gateway – A great Bible study website. – This is a site designed for youth workers, but you might get some good info here on things your child is going through. – Another site for youth workers but they have a good blog that you might want to check out.
Lumina – Another Bible study tool and this one is my favorite. Pick a passage on the left column and then click “Constables Notes” in the right column to get some great commentary. It can also help you study in original Greek or Hebrew!
Parenting -14 Gospel Principles – Paul David Tripp. We highly recommend this book! It gives a great foundation and framework for parenting in the grace and love we have received through Christ.
Sticky Faith – Kara Powell
The Space Between – Walt Mueller