Missions Serve

There are many ways that you can get involved and serve – why don’t YOU join God in what he is doing?  If you are interested in any of the following opportunities, please contact Pastor David Schuit at 973-427-6960 or davids@hawthornegospel.org

Short-Term opportunities can run for as little as one week and as long as a year. If you have a heart to serve, there is a place for you, and a short-term trip is a great place to get your feet wet.

Full-Term opportunities run from a year to a whole career. They require more commitment, take you deeper, and leave a greater impact – on both you and the people you serve.

Local missions:  The best place to begin living on mission for Christ is right at home in our own country and in our jobs. God has brought people from most nations of the world, including those nations that are closed to the gospel, right here to our doorsteps and there are many opportunities right here to rub shoulders with them.

Serving Hands:  Serving Hands is a forum to get to know our global partners, what they do, and how we can better support them in prayer. We’re passionate about seeing the gospel effectively shared around the world through our global partners.  They meet on Zoom every third Saturday of the month, and all are welcome.  After a time of fellowship at 9:15 am, we’ll hear a report from a global partner at 9:30 am, with a question-and-answer period to follow.  Please contact Marjorie Webster at marjoriewebster@optimum.net if you are interested in joining Serving Hands.

Global Ministry Team Members: The role of this committee is to oversee the missions program of Hawthorne Gospel Church.  This includes setting the vision of the church’s mission program, overseeing its finances, care and accountability of our global partners, and recruitment of new global partners.  

Currently these are the GMT committee members:

Tom Breen, Carol Garofalo, Sue Martin, Mary Miller, Peter Ng, Mohan Pothen, Bob Schuit, Dave Schuit, Dan Sirinides, Heidi Sirinides, Morgan Storms, Marjorie Webster

Missions Education Committee:  This committee is a sub-committee of the GMT and exists to educate the church about God’s redemptive plan for the world.  It does this through seminars, the annual missions conference, speakers, home meetings and other opportunities.  The committee also works to develop ongoing relationships with our global partners, encourage prayer for hem, and to mobilize others to serve.  

Currently, these are the MEC committee members:
Dave and Carrie de Waal Malefyt, Beatrice Kisala, Casey Manger, Gregg and June Miller, Bob (chair) and Eve Schuit, Morgan Storms, Heidi and Henry Vehage