Missions Connect

Most of us will never have the opportunity to travel and visit our global partners. Some of them live in places where we cant even imagine what it is like. But as we get to know them better, we can’t understand what they are going through, identify their needs, and encourage them and their families. Follow our partners, hear their stories, rejoice with them and cry with them, and most of all, pray for them. You may never get to visit Greece, Kenya, Bolivia, or Japan yourself, but when you get to know our global partners, your connection with them can help take you there!

Meet our Global Partners:


Lisa Beth Prins | Good Sports International—Hungary

Lisa is very active in overseeing a couple of foster children homes in Hungary.  Her love and care for the children and her desire to see them come to know Christ is very evident.  


Dick & Pat Albright

Osborne & Diane Buchanan

Beverlee del Aguila

Betsy Guffey**

Jim & Louise Lindquist

Bill (Barbara) Mial

James & Dee Percy**

Ruth Stevens

Esther Swain

Paul & Ilse Troper

Denise Zambrano

Jeanette Zembower


Ben & Marian Bakker

Ben and Marian have ministered for many years by training and encouraging Hispanic pastors in the Northwest.  They live on one of the largest migrant worker “highways” in the country as the workers come to harvest the fruit of the many orchards.  This has opened up many ministry opportunities of reaching out to them.

Steve & Amanda Bialy

Steve and Amanda started out on staff at HGC before moving to Wisconsin to do church planting.  They currently work with Converge in England. In England they partner with local churches to provide training through an apprentice program to do church planting, evangelism, discipleship, and teaching.  

Tim & Sharon Braunlin

After many years of working in camp ministry, Tim is now using his skills with Servant’s Heart Ministries to encourage people in practical ways.  Servant’s Heart provides training and skills like building, painting, plumbing, and electrical to local Christian organizations and churches.  Much of their work is in Paterson, but they recently oversaw the renovation of the new Lighthouse Pregnancy Center in Hawthorne. Sharon is active in the community.

Doug C.
Doug and his wife Esther served as missionaries with SIM in Bolivia before moving to Charlotte NC to serve in SIM’s headquarters. Esther went to be with the Lord in 2019.  Doug continues to work in the finance department of SIM providing financial counsel and help to SIM’s missionaries.

Cathy (Peter) Craig

Cathy grew up in our church and has served for many years on our NJ college campuses with InterVarsity.   She currently oversees all the ministries of InterVarsity in North Jersey.  Her passion is to see Christ shared on our campuses and small discipleship groups of students established.  Cathy is married to Peter and they have two children.

James (Aissa) Craig

James’ passion is to see God’s kingdom spread on college campuses.  James began his ministry on the campus of Towson University in MD and currently serves with InterVarsity on their program management team in California.  His goal is to provide and equip students, parents, and pastors with the tools to engage the next generation for Christ. He recently married Aissa!

Chandra & Irene Das

Chandra and Irene work with the Premi Sangat church among the Gujarati people of Jersey City.   Along with pastoring the church, their ministry includes teaching English and citizen classes.  These outreaches help to establish opportunities to build friendships and share the gospel.  Irene is active in a counseling and prayer ministry.  

Douglas (Judy) Dykstra

Doug and Judy have been reaching out to international students for many years primarily on the campus of Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken.  More recently Doug has assumed a leadership role with International Students, Inc. to oversee the ministries of that organization in North Jersey.  Doug works fulltime as an engineer, but his passion is to see Christ shared with international students.  

Dave & Liz Flynn

Dave is from this area and grew up in our church.  He and Liz live in Lima, Peru, and they use Lima as a springboard for reaching out into all of Latin America.  Dave is a team leader with the Center for Missions Mobilization.  His responsibilities include training of missions candidates, discipleship, teaching and facilitating the Perspectives course in Spanish across Latin America.  Dave and Liz have a long history with Perspectives and it is a passion of theirs.

Lonnie & Ruth Hodge

The Hodges serve in Bolivia, South America.  Lonnie ministers at a Bible Institute in the training of Quechua Indian pastors, and Ruth teaches children with learning disabilities at Pampa Christian School in Cochabamba.  Together they are involved in evangelism and in discipleship of leaders in their local church.  They serve with Fellowship International Mission.

Steve & Ruth Hoernig

After serving in Newark for many years at a Christian school, Steve and Ruth moved to the Poconos to Streamside camp. Streamside is a Christian camp reaching out to young people, but also ministering to families in need.  Steve helps to run the camp and Ruth is active in the office side of things.  

Brian & Nancy Hoffman

Brian grew up in our church.  After serving in Northern Kenya with a semi-nomadic tribe, he and Nancy now live in Nairobi, Kenya where they work in administration with Africa Inland Mission.  Brian’s responsibilities include overseeing the guidance and care of new missionaries and also encouraging those who are in ministry.  Nancy is active in hospitality and also Bible studies in the city of Nairobi.

David & Alice Hoffman

Dave and Alice Hoffman began serving with Operation Mobilization on board the mission ship MV Doulos and Logos ll in the areas of training, evangelism, and discipleship.  Having worked in over 70 countries and with a heart for discipleship, Dave and Alice now serve OM in Georgia by providing leadership in the area of missional-training, motivating and equipping global worshippers to transform lives and communities amongst the unreached and marginalized peoples.

Rod & Shirley Innis


Rod and Shirley have a long background in missionary work going back to Ecuador.  They now work with International Students, Inc. where they can use their passion to reach out to the thousands of international students who come to our country.  Often these students meet Jesus for the first time while they are here and they go back to their countries in areas of great influence.  Rod and Shirley currently work on the campus of Clemson University.  

Roger & Shelly Ishii

Roger and Shelly work with The Navigators primarily at the University of Maryland, equipping international students for a lifetime of living, evangelizing, and discipleship among the lost.  Roger is the Northeast Regional Leader for The Navigators’ International Student Ministry (ISM).  Shelly works at the state psychiatric hospital and is part of a local Christian counseling group.

Yoshito Kato

Yoshito has been active in the Japanese church for many years.  He has effectively used his gifts of encouraging and training other Japanese leaders and pastors, and he is well known and respected as a leader.  Yoshito served for many years with Word of Life and recently shifted over to Fellowship International Mission.  

Mark & Rachel Kull
mark_kull@sil.org or rachel_kull@sil.org

Mark and Rachel transferred from their 20+-year Wycliffe Bible Translators assignment in Spain to provide international support from Dallas, Texas in the fall of 2012.  Mark serves as the senior assistant to the Executive Director.  Rachel is the Director of Human Resources for the Americas.  Both assignments require extensive travel and are part of helping the mission’s 5000 workers be more effective in the global effort of Bible translation in the 21st century.  

Bob & Sue Kummer

Before working with Crossworld Mission at Black Forest Academy in Germany, Bob and Sue served in Italy where they learned the language and the culture. It was a natural transition, then, after many years at the Academy to move back to Italy to work with a team at a small local church plant.  At the church they provide teaching, discipleship, and help to those in the community.  This area has been particularly hard hit by the Covid pandemic.

Steve (Camille) Lillis

Some of our missionaries use sports, drama, literature, etc., to reach people.  Steve uses a pool table.  His ministry, Gospel Trick Shot Ministries, reaches people with the gospel creatively using billiard trick shots to relay spiritual principles.  The direction, position, color, and number of billiard balls are used to create trick shots, which are placed in a story format to relay God’s message.  Now Steve reaches people worldwide with the gospel using his skills in billiards.  

Tony & Mary Ann Loeffler

Solid Rock Ministry ministers in three areas:  doing evangelism and discipleship in prisons, focusing on evangelistic and humanitarian efforts for the persecuted church in Cuba, and biker evangelism.  Short-term opportunities also are available for those who may be interested in serving in one of these areas.  Tony’s main ministry platform is using music!

Christian & Rie Manabe-Kim
rie.manabekim@novo.org or christian.kim@novo.org

Christian and Rie, with their son Noah, are reaching out to the community of Fukuoka in southern Japan.  They use Bible studies, community events, teaching English, and friendships to build bridges with their neighbors in order to share Christ’s love with them. Christian also teaches and preaches in the local church.

Subbash (Pretty) Mathew

Subbash recently resigned from his job so that he could serve fulltime with International Students Inc.  Subbash is active on the campus of FDU – reaching out to international students by welcoming them, helping them to adjust to America, and building relationships with them.  These contacts provide the opportunities to live out Christ for them and to share with them.

Bill & Pamela Noar

Bill and Pamela have been serving in Japan with Christar since 1984.  The Noars use English classes and cooking classes as a way of developing relationships and contacts for sharing the gospel.   Numbers of people have now accepted Christ as their Savior and a church has been established.  

Kristen Nicole

Kristen came to know Christ in our church.  She now works with the Christian and Mission Alliance in the Bay Ridge area of Brooklyn. She works with an Arab immigrant church reaching out to Arabic speakers with the gospel.  She also teaches English and works at a coffee shop.  Her passion is to reach those from the Muslim world with the gospel.  

Claire (Scott) Oppliger

Athletes in Action use all kinds of sports as a platform to share the gospel around the world. Sports are an international language!  Claire works in the area of leadership development for the organization and helping the staff be more effective and fruitful in ministry.  AIA is a ministry of Cru and works primarily with athletes on our campuses.  

Aaron & Rachel Russell

The Russells work in the Clifton area reaching out to one of the unreached peoples groups living there. They work with Global Gates, which is focused on the unreached peoples groups now living in our country.  They use friendships, learning the language, and participating in community events to build relationships in order to share the gospel.

Don Schuit

Don serves with Africa Inland Mission directing the ministry of the Missionary Retreat Fellowship (MRF).  Nestled on 55 wooded acres of hillside in the lake region of the Pocono Mountains, MRF provides eight fully furnished homes to missionaries on home assignment.  Rest and being alone for renewal of body, soul and spirit is a vital need, and having a home in this type of setting is important.  During the summer, camps are another active outreach.

Amoon & Ghazala Sharon

After a bomb attack in a church in Pakistan, Amoon and Ghazala moved to this country.  Amoon has established a very successful ministry of reaching out to Muslims and Hindus in the Metuchen area called Alpha Ministries.  Amoon continues to support the churches and a Christian school back in Pakistan as well.  

Emmanuel & Esther Shilikale

Emmanuel and Esther Shilikale are working with the Africa Inland Church in Tanzania among the Datooga people group.  Emmanuel and Esther have a long history of planting churches among unreached people’s groups.  Their ministry now is focused more on leadership development in these churches.  

Brian & Susan Shortmeier

Brian serves as the Chief Administrative Officer on the NTM (New Tribes Mission) Executive Board helping to lead the mission in current endeavors and future expansion.  Susan’s ministry is with the Personnel Department, providing information and maintaining relationships with potential missionary candidates from the moment they first contact NTM until they begin the application process for training or service.  

Timothy & Melanie Shultz

Tim and Melanie are called to work among Gujarati-speaking Indian Community.  Tim and Melanie were involved in helping to direct Christar Mission’s strategies for reaching Hindus worldwide and in leadership of the North America field initiatives.  They now have established a new ministry, the GO Network, making use of the numerous friendships and opportunities to share their faith with the Gujarati in the Parsippany area.  

Tim & Donna Sirinides

The Sirinides are working in Athens with Operation Mobilization.  Their ministry focuses on the refugees that pass through this strategic city.  They assist them by teaching Greek and English, providing food, clothing, housing, and other daily needs through “The Nest” ministry.  They share the gospel through a variety of methods: the “Jesus” video, short gospel messages, literature in various languages, ESL (English) classes, and one-to-one conversations.

Mark & Jana Vander Hoven

The Vander Hoven family served for 24 years as evangelists and administrators in Eastern Europe, North Africa, and North America.  They now live and work in New Mexico.  Their vision is to disciple Native American Indians and mobilize them for Christian service.  They also have a ministry to youth, to those who are homeless, and drug addicts in their area.  Mark and Jana work with Adventures in Missions.a