We believe that prayer is not just an afterthought to what we do, but it is an essential part of missions. Prayer takes our partners, their ministry, their families, and us right into the throne room of God. It gives us the opportunity to join God on his global mission of bringing all people to himself. We invite you to join us in prayer.
Pray for the unreached peoples of the world:
The best way to have our prayers answered is to pray what God wants us to pray for! We do that by praying God’s heart as found in the Bible back to him.
– Pray that God would be exalted and glorified among all people (Psalm 57:5).
– Pray for workers for the difficult places of the world (Matthew 9:37-38).
– Pray for great outpouring of God’s Spirit on the people groups bringing conviction of sin (John 16:8).
– Pray for boldness in proclamation (Colossians 4:2-4).
– Pray that new converts will be biblically discipled and will grow in Jesus and have joy in persecution (1 Peter 2: 21-24).
Here is an example of how you can pray for the unreached Berber people of Morocco. The population of the Berbers in Morocco is about 1,511,000 people. Their main religion is Islam. Today there are no known followers of Jesus among them. They do have the New Testament in their own language.
Pray: May your name, O God, be exalted among the Berber people because you alone are worthy of their praise and worship. May you provide Christian workers to live and minister among this people group. May your Spirit open the hearts and minds of the people to your love and truth and bring conviction of sin. I pray that a church would be planted, and I would see families and clans coming to know Christ, and I pray that they may grow in you. Amen.
Information on all of the unreached peoples groups can be found at the Joshua Project at https://joshuaproject.net
Pray for our global partners:
Sometimes we can wonder how to pray for people who live in a place you know little about, who work in a language you don’t speak, who may eat breakfast while you are going to bed, and whom you may not see for years at a time.
Well, no Christian worker, whether at home or overseas, can ‘go it alone’; they need the support of a team. By praying for someone regularly, you join that team!
Our global partners are no different from us, and they often deal with many of the same challenges that we face. They are not immune to selfishness, pride, loneliness, fear, doubts, or struggles with pursuing God each day. At the same time, the cultural context in which they work, daily pressure, and spiritual attacks can all bring greater stress and strain to their lives.
Above all else, our desire is that God would be magnified through them and their ministries. This happens as we humbly commit them to the Lord in prayer. God works through prayer, so let’s partner with Him in His great plan for the nations.
Follow this weekly prayer plan on behalf of our partners so that they are fully and consistently covered with prayer:
Pray that they will grow in humble dependence on God, in holiness, and that the fruit of the Spirit would be increasingly evident in their lives.
Pray for their families, their health, daily strength, safety in travel, and protection from discouragement and Satan’s attacks.
Global partners work alongside other missionaries, local believers, pastors, other team members, and with churches. Pray for love and unity.
Pray for open doors to share the gospel and then for faith, wisdom, and boldness to walk through those doors.
It is easy to get sidetracked in ministry. Pray that God would keep them focused on Him and His calling and purposes for them.
Pray that God would powerfully bless and equip them for ministry and that the Holy Spirit would make them effective and fruitful.